Microsoft Windows Server CAL 2016 | 5 user CALs



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In addition to the server licenses, access licenses (Client Access License – CAL) are required for all users and devices that access the Microsoft Windows server (standard or data center). These can be licensed according to users (User CAL) or devices (Device CAL).

A device CAL (Client Access License) allows a device to access or use the server software. The device can be used by any user. Device CALs make sense if each employee only works on their own PC or if PCs are even shared between employees.

A User CAL permits a user to access or use the server software from different devices. User CALs make sense when employees work with multiple devices.

A notice! Incl. downgrade right to Windows Server 2012 (R2)

Quantity : 5 User CALs

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  4. Lizenzschlüssel erhalten

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    • Geben Sie den Schlüssel bei der Installation ein, und die Software ist einsatzbereit.

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